2019, so long...2020 bring it on.

The last 12 months were indifferent. The highlight was graduating from the University of Queensland with a Graduate Certificate in Writing, Editing and Publishing. I also accepted my Masters in the same subject to start this year. The ups and downs of studying made me realise that there is still more for me to learn and to pass this knowledge onto others. I can not thank enough the organisations that engaged Indigistream over the year to create quality content to highlight their work and staff. This is the Year of The Rat and I feel this will be a year where I let go the things I cannot change. I did last year take on to many emotional packages which put me in the hospital (emergency) twice. This will not happen again. I felt like I have grown over the past 12 months and will take a positive attitude into 2020. So bring it on!

Donald Johannessen